The Ninth Workshop on Genome Informatics
GIW '98
December 10-11, 1998
Garden Hall, Yebisu Garden Place, Tokyo, Japan
The Ninth Workshop on Genome Informatics (GIW '98) is a forum for
researchers, practitioners and users working on various aspects of
Genome Informatics. The aim is to present recent research results
(theory/practice), to demonstrate systems, and to explore directions
for future research and new applications related to Genome Science.
----- INDEX -----
- Human Genome Center, The University of Tokyo
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas ``GENOME SCIENCE'' from MESSC of Japan
Topics of interest within the scope of this workshop include, but
are not limited to, the following areas related to Genome Science:
sequence analysis, motif extraction and search, multiple alignment,
gene structure prediction, gene function prediction, phylogeny tree,
systems for supporting experimental work (mapping, sequencing, primer
design, etc.), comparative analysis of genomes, gene expression
profile analysis, knowledge extraction from literature, knowledge
discovery from databases, linkage analysis program, association
analysis, protein structure and function prediction, genome database,
pathway analysis, proteome analysis, simulation of biological system,
DNA computing, artificial life, which are overall related to Genome
Submitted papers are reviewed by the members of the program
committee, and selected on importance in Genome Science, computational
advance, theoretical analyses, and experimental results in addition to
their originality, timeliness, and clarity of presentation. Accepted
papers will be included in the book ``Genome Informatics 1998''
published by Universal Academy Press, Inc.
Authors are requested to submit full papers or extended abstracts
around 10 pages in one of the following forms
- (a) PS file or PDF file or Plain text
- (b) Hard copy (in duplicate)
- until
- to the address:
electronic submission:
hardcopy submission: Satoru Miyano
Human Genome Center
Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan.
The following information should be provided:
(*) paper title, author name(s), affiliation(s), postal and e-mail
address(es), abstract, and the correspondence author name.
August 31, 1998 | Paper submission deadline |
October 6, 1998 | Notification of acceptance/rejection |
October 30, 1998 | LaTeX text file final version due
- Shun-ichi Amari (RIKEN, Japan)
- Eugene V. Koonin (NCBI, USA)
Kiyoshi Asai | (ETL, Japan) |
Peer Bork | (EMBL, Germany) |
Christopher Burge | (MIT, USA) |
Amos Bairoch | (CMU, Switzerland) |
Antoine Danchin | (Institut Pasteur, France) |
A. Keith Dunker | (Washington State Univ., USA) |
Susumu Goto | (Kyoto Univ.) |
Philip P. Green | (U. Washington, USA) |
Lawrence Hunter | (NLM, USA) |
Takashi Ito | (U. Tokyo, Japan) |
Hiroaki Kitano | (SONY, Japan) |
Akihiko Konagaya | (JAIST, Japan) |
Satoru Kuhara | (Kyushu U., Japan) |
Hideo Matsuda | (Osaka Univ., Japan) |
Satoru Miyano | (U. Tokyo, Japan) |
Shin-ichi Morishita | (U. Tokyo, Japan) |
Kenta Nakai | (Osaka Univ., Japan) |
Naotake Ogasawara | (AIST-Nara, Japan) |
Christos Ouzounis | (EMBL-EBI, UK) |
Ross Overbeek | (ANL, USA) |
Gary D. Stormo | (U. Colorado, USA) |
Hideaki Sugawara | (DDBJ, Japan) |
Satoshi Tabata | (KDRI, Japan) |
Toshihisa Takagi | (U. Tokyo, Japan, PC Chair) |
Michael S. Waterman | (U. Southern California, USA) |
Limsoon Wong | (NUS, Singapore) |
GIW '98 has a session for posters and software demonstrations. For
a poster/demo, a two-page abstract in the specified LaTeX text file
with EPS formated figures (see FINAL VERSION LATEX FORMAT) should be
until: October 10, 1998
with the information provided in (*).
After review, authors will be notified acceptance/rejection by
October 30, 1998
Each accepted abstract will be included in ``Genome Informatics 1998''
and will be given one-minute overview oral presentation in addition
to normal poster presentation.
The GIW LaTeX template file and guidelines are available from
When authors have any difficulty for the use of LaTeX, please contact
Satoru Miyano below.
Satoru Miyano
Email: | |
Tel: | +81-3-5449-5615 |
Fax: | +81-3-5449-5442 |
CD-ROM publication of ``Genome Informatics 1998'' is planned that
may include supplementary hypertexts for papers and abstracts.
GIW '98 ( The 9th Workshop on Genome Informatics )