Instructions for Authors

GIW '98 The Ninth Workshop on Genome Informatics
The workshop book of GIW '98 will be published by Universal Academy Press, Inc. as Genome Informatics Series.

Please follow the instructions below when preparing your final version. The paper that violates the instructions and the page limit will not be included in the book. If you have any difficulties to follow the instructions, please write an email to the contact address below.

  1. We cordially ask that you use either LaTeX2e or LaTeX by following a sample which is available from Samples, and send the following to Email Address (

    1. Postscript file of your paper (preferably gzipped and uuencoded)
    2. LaTeX2e/LaTeX: all the source text files including a bib file or a bbl file and eps files (for figures) and any macros that you have created.

    If you have any difficulties to prepare the final version by using LaTeX or LaTeX2e as above, our technical staff will convert your final version to a LaTeX format. In this case, please write an email before the deadline and send all files (e.g., MS Word doc files, Macintosh files) to

  2. The page limit is 10 pages for oral presentation, and 2 pages for poster and software demonstration presentation.

  3. We will also produce a CD-ROM version of the book.
    If you wish a special version of your paper, e.g., colored, hyper-text, etc, send the files together. Otherwise, ps/pdf files of your paper will be included in the CD-ROM version.

  4. Contact Address:
    Satoru Miyano
    Human Genome Center
    Institute of Medical Science
    University of Tokyo
    Shirokanedai 4-6-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan.
    Phone: +81-3-5449-5615
    Fax : +81-3-5449-5442

  5. If you wish to withdraw your paper for any reason, please inform us immediately.


Last Updated: September 7, 1998