CALL FOR BOFS (Birds-Of-A-Feather)

GIW 2005 will feature a series of open meetings for participants to meet and talk about topics of mutual interest. During the conference, GIW 2005 participants are encouraged to submit a topic for discussion to this website and to recruit as many (or as few) interested participants as desired by the topic leader. The GIW 2005 conference organizers have set aside several rooms (or a room) specifically for birds-of-a-feather meetings. While birds-of-a-feather announcements occur during the conference dates (Dec 19-21), we encourage would-be topic leaders to START THINKING AND PLANNING NOW.

Deadlines: Dec 5, 2005



To sign up to host a BOF, you should send a proposal via e-mail to the GIW office ( by December 5, 2005, filling in the following items:
  1. Topic:
  2. Topic Leader (name):
  3. Affiliation:
  4. E-mail address:
  5. Preferred Day and Time (See "Time Table" below):
  6. Brief Description (about 50 words):

Time Table

December 19December 20December 21
14:00-16:00(Open-Bio BoF 2005)Dnot-available
16:00-18:00(Open-Bio BoF 2005)Enot-available


Satoru Miyano
Tel: +81-3-5449-5615
Fax: +81-3-5449-5442
GIW 2005 Home Page