
GIW 2000
The Eleventh Workshop on Genome Informatics
December 18-19, 2000
Yebisu Garden Place, Tokyo, Japan

Organized by Human Genome Center, University of Tokyo
Sponsored by "Genome Information Science Project" (MESSC of Japan)
Poster & Software Demo Organized and Sponsored by Japanese Society for Bioinformatics (JSBi)

The Eleventh Workshop on Genome Informatics (GIW 2000) is a forum for researchers, practitioners and users working on various aspects of Genome Informatics. The aim is to present recent research results (theory/practice), to demonstrate systems, and to explore directions for future research and new applications related to Genome Science.
Electronic Version of Genome Informatics Vol. 11(2000)

Call for Paper

PC Chairman of GIW 2000

A. Keith Dunker (
Akihiko Konagaya (

Organizing Chairman of GIW 2000

Satoru Miyano
Tel: +81-3-5449-5615
Fax: +81-3-5449-5442
Address: Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science,
University of Tokyo 
4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, 108-8639 Tokyo, Japan.

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GIW 2000(The 11th Workshop on Genome Informatics)